Saturday School

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A Basic Outline of our Vision for the Archangels Greek Orthodox School

It is natural for young persons to ask why they should attend Greek School. Why spend one more day in class instead of playing with friends or doing other activities? The other kids do not have to go to school on Saturday, why should we have to? A range of appropriate answers can be offered in response to these questions. But the most effective answer, the answer that is most likely to persuade, can only be provided by teachers who themselves exude the ideals of Greek Christian civilization, including the significance of critical thinking, the aspiration for freedom and truth, and the desire to embody the ultimate good in life. Said differently, the answer we give is as important as those who are called to give it! This is part of the experiential learning process, where credibility becomes so critically important in effectively maintaining a holistic approach to the enterprise. That is why we pride ourselves on the strong spirit of community which pervades our School and everything we do.

We can also ask ourselves why we, as a community of believers, should expend this effort to organize a Greek School. Would it not be easier just to focus on the parish instead of also organizing a school? The school however is an important part of our mission as a parish. This is an aspect that can be easily neglected but that Archbishop Sotirios of Canada often emphasizes in his Encyclicals. It is useful for all of us to be reminded that in addition to teaching core competencies, our work and attitude needs to align with the priorities and raison dêtre of our school. As Archbishop Sotirios once wrote, “The purpose of Greek schools is not only to convey knowledge, but also to educate and develop character.” This is part of the quality commitment we make to parents and students.

A Saturday Greek School is often referred to as ‘supplementary education’ because it is in addition to the core secular educational curriculum that students undergo throughout the week. In this sense, it may be tempting to think of Greek School not as necessary as the regular school since it is only ‘supplementary’. This would be a grave mistake. Because Greek school is extremely necessary to fill the gaps in the regular curriculum and help our students interpret and critically assess what they are learning in their main school, especially as regards to their identity, their ancestral culture and our precious Orthodox Christian faith.

Select Features of the School
    • The School currently has 245 students enrolled.

    • Evaluations are conducted by the parents and students twice a year to better evaluate and improve the quality of educational services offered. 

    • The School employs a specially developed series of books based on innovative methods for teaching the Greek language (Geia Xara).

    • Extensive use of Microsoft Teams by the teaching staff, students and patents for enhanced intercommunication and collaboration.

    • Several fundraising events (pizza day, ice cream day) throughout the school year as well as several bake sales during School recitals.

    • Annual chocolate fundraising event.

    • School merchandise program.

    • Annual Winter Youth Party.

    • The School celebrates OXI Day with its own parade to commemorate this national holiday.

    • Participation in the main parade for the commemoration of Greek Independence Day on March 25 with its own drum corps.

    • The School has pioneered in preparing its students for the recognized Certificate of Attainment in Greek (Ellinomatheia) with the highest level of success.

    • As part of the Church, the School attends the Divine Liturgy multiple times a year with the children receiving Holy Communion.

    • The School organizes an annual day-long pilgrimage to our beloved monastery of the Virgin Mary the Consolatory in Lachute. 

Three-Member Management Team

Under the supervision of the Community Council and the Parish Priest, the School is administered by a team of three extraordinary persons:

Vasileios Bourmpounis | Principal

Elias Nikolopoulos | Vice-Principal and Hellenic Folklore Instructor 

Miranda Athanasiou | Academic Program Coordinator - Gymnasium Supervisor - Teacher

For More Information

We are constantly seeking to improve the quality of our curriculum to better meet the needs of our students. For more information about the Archangels Greek School, please consult the dedicated website for the School.